SIBA Bee Blog

Beekeeping Tips for February

Submitted by J. Morgan Maple sap has been coming in so this means "bud-break" and some of the first pollens (protein) that bees can collect in nature will be next (if not already). This means bees will begin to brood up. Strongest colonies are building up now or will be soon. The weather has been…
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Free Beginning Beekeeper Class

The Bedford Beekeepers' Club is hosting a Beginners Beekeeping Class on Saturday, January 25, 2025. It is perfect for people just starting out or even experienced beekeepers who might learn something new.

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Beekeeping Tips for January

Original article by Jim Orem and Ginger Davidson, edited by Jason Morgan What is happening in the hive: The temperature outside may be freezing but the bees are inside the hive generating heat by pulsating their wing muscles. The bees can disconnect their wings to allow them to use their muscles for heat generation in…
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