Category Archives: how-to

Beekeeping Tips for January

Original article by Jim Orem and Ginger Davidson, edited by J. Morgan What is happening in the hive: The temperature outside may be freezing but the bees are inside the hive generating heat by pulsating their wing muscles. The bees can disconnect their wings to allow them to use their muscles for heat generation in…
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Beekeeping Tips for December

By Jim Orem and Ginger Davidson, edited by J. Morgan What is usually happening in the hive: The bees are clustered together in a dormant state.  Periodic stretches of warm weather will allow the bees to break their cluster in order to take cleansing (defecating) flights, and hopefully move closer to honey stores. By the time…
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Beekeeping Tips for August

Original article by Jim Orem and Ginger Davidson, edited by J. Morgan School has started and summer is heading fast to a close. Yet, it can still be hot out and the last thing on our minds is a cold, snowy winter. However, now is the time to start thinking about getting your bees into…
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Beekeeping Tips for May

By J. Morgan "A swarm caught in May is worth a load of hay; a swarm caught June is worth a silver spoon; and a swarm in July... just let it fly." I'm not really sure who originally said that, but I first heard it from Jim Orem, our resident swarm authority. During the month…
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