Submitted by J. Morgan September is a critical month for bees. Forage and weather will vary based on where you are. Remember, robbing is a threat while nectar is in demand. Reduce entrances and don't keep your hives open too long. Additionally, remember, every time you crack the hive open and pull frames apart, you…
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Beekeeping Tips for August
Original article by Jim Orem and Ginger Davidson, edited by J. Morgan School has started and summer is heading fast to a close. Yet, it can still be hot out and the last thing on our minds is a cold, snowy winter. However, now is the time to start thinking about getting your bees into…
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Beekeeping Tips for June and July
By J. Morgan Swarm season is still in effect. Monitor hives for queen cells, eggs, and brood. If you find hives with a swarming tendency, decide if you want to pull the laying queen along with a split and locate her in another location over 2 miles from the original colony. You can also remove…
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Beekeeping Tips for April
Original article by Jim Orem and Ginger Davidson, revised by J. Morgan The overriding objective is for all colonies to be queen-right, healthy, and well-nourished so they can build up to maximum populations for the onset of your areas major nectar flow. Here in Southeast Indiana, we see black locust as our larger crop that…
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