SIBA Calendar

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SIBA Monthly Meeting – Jerry Hayes
June 15, 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Attendance is expected to be high! Anyone choosing to eat, will have two meal options that must be pre-ordered and paid in advance no later than June 5th. Use the form at the bottom of this page!
Jerry Hayes, editor at Bee Culture Magazine, will be discussing the all-important topic of mite measurement and mitigation. This one is not to be missed, especially by newer beekeepers. We at SIBA push the importance of mite management pretty hard... maybe so much that it makes newer beekeepers heads spin. The fact is, the best thing a beekeeper can do is put proper priority on colony health... which entails actively measuring and managing mites and the sicknesses they vector. Jerry will put proper perspective on the topic and answer your questions. Tell your friends!
Jerry Hayes started out in life as a High School teacher. He hated it. He went into another business where he worked with a beekeeper. Back many years ago Jerry knew about Honey Bees but nobody actually knew a ‘Beekeeper’, did they? Jerry asked him questions, picked his brain, became more interested and fascinated and started reading everything he could get his hands on about Honey Bees. He turned into the consummate backyard beekeeper. He did all the fun and crazy things backyard beekeepers do and built and experimented with. He wondered if he could get into the Beekeeping world and support a young family. So, with the support of his family he went back to school under the tutelage of Dr. Jim Tew, at The Ohio State University. “Top 10 Best thing I ever did,” Jerry said.
Years later he looks back on his opportunities as a Research Technician at the USDA/ARS Baton Rouge Bee Lab, Dadant and Sons Regional Mgr., Dadant And Sons New Product Dev., and AR Mgr., Chief of the Apiary Section for the Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Monsanto Honey Bee Lead, VP. of Vita Bee health North America and now Editor of Bee Culture magazine with awe and amazement.
Add to the above the Classroom Q&A Column of the American Bee Journal for almost 40 years, the ‘Classroom’ Book, Author or Co-Author on 23 research papers and a variety of Honey Bee related articles in a variety of publications. Plus, Past President of Apiary Inspectors of America, Heartland Apiculture Assoc., Colony Collapse Working Group, CAPS Science Advisor, PAm Science Advisor, AHPA Science Advisor and many Professional Presentations internationally and media opportunities. And Now Editor of Bee Culture magazine. It has been a Great Journey.