Jason Morgan

Jason Morgan

Beekeeping Story

  • Had my first two hives as a teenager keeping bees with my dad. Forgot about bees through college but picked it back up in 2009. Now keeping 18 hives.
  • Joined Southeastern Indiana Beekeepers Association in 2009 and helped build awareness of the organization.
  • Currently serving as Webmaster/Editor in SIBA.
  • Life member of The Beekeepers of Indiana.


  • Started in software development then more managing
  • Co-Founded SchoolNow (formerly Campus Suite) in 1998 providing a full communications platform serving the EdTech industry (K-12 school districts, charter schools and Higher Education).


  • I call our homestead the Morgan Ranch and provide information and hands-on experiences in beekeeping, winemaking, cheesemaking, charcuterie, maple sugaring, farming and gardening.
  • I enjoy distance running with my wife and two kids.
  • 12 active years in BSA and continue to contribute to our local troop as an outside supporter.
  • Enjoy participating and sharing backpacking, cooking and outdoors experiences with others.