Category Archives: jason

Larry Kemmerly from ISBA talks to SIBA about harvesting bee pollen

Contributed by J. Morgan Larry Kemmerly from the Indiana State Beekeepers Association (ISBA) speaks to Southeast Indiana Beekeepers about collecting and processing pollen for consumption and sale at farmers markets. Larry collects and sells about 50 lbs of pollen per year. While Larry's methods are by no means the defacto, we asked him to explain…
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Small Hive Beetle (SHB) What to do?

Submitted by J. Morgan As a beekeeper in my forth season, I can proudly say that I haven't lost a hive yet! I'm not worrying about jinxing myself either because I know I eventually will. We all will. Sometimes, there's just nothing we can do. But for me, I don't go down without a fight. Despite…
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SIBA Third Quarter 2012 Update

Contributed by J. Morgan July started in Garry Reeves bee yard, demonstrating the method of combining weak hives with strong ones using newspaper. Our discussions spanned the many different methods to combine hives, and introduce queens. Many people replaced queens for various reasons... and others participated in some exciting queen rearing techniques that Garry Reeves…
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Spring done sprung! Are you watching?

Contributed by J. Morgan Since early March, everyone who knows me has heard me lament over the fact that the winter didn't have anough "chilling hours," and that everything is early... and that I'm worried about my grapevines getting frost-bit, and that the bugs are going to be heavy this year. I go on and on.…
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